Web endnote how to configure journal abbreviation
Web endnote how to configure journal abbreviation

web endnote how to configure journal abbreviation

Although there is no strict deadline for submitting these papers, six months from the date of the symposium is considered sufficient time to revise a paper to meet the stricter standards of ECS journals. Content presented at ECS meetings and manuscripts published in ECS Transactions may be submitted to journals after being modified to meet the requirements of the specific article type and ensure appropriate quality for archival publication.Communication, perspective, review, and CRES3T articles are published within their relevant TIA with the type of article clearly identified.All manuscripts must fall within at least one Society journal’s Topical Interest Areas (TIAs).All manuscripts undergo the Society’s rigorous peer-review process.All submitted manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.Information about all ECS journal articles You can specify focus issue submission during the submission process.

web endnote how to configure journal abbreviation

Submissions to regular and focus issues are made through the same sites.

web endnote how to configure journal abbreviation

Once logged in, you can toggle back and forth easily between the four journal sites. As they share a user database, if you have an account in one, you have an account in the other.

  • There are four submission sites one each for JES, JSS, ECS Sensors Plus, and ECS Advances.
  • Acquire required approvals before starting the submission process.
  • Do not begin a new or revised manuscript submission unless you are prepared to complete the process.

  • Web endnote how to configure journal abbreviation